We offer data collection services in 3 steps, 1. read and acquaint the data tools to local context, 2. define deployment media, whether paper or digital, and 3. recruit and train field workers. Our unit has in depth experiences in developing electronic data capturing systems in the Tanzanian context. We have the technical expertise and the infrastructure to support on ground research data demands.
We offer digital forms (or web version) of the data collection tools for testing purposes and also imporve overall data tools design. Through the digital web version, our team in collaboration with the client ensure that all the questions, the required work flow are accurately programmed and all the client’s requirements are met. For the actual field study, the team uses the “Rahisisha “app an adapted version of ODK for field data collection with a configuration to store the data in a secured server.
Rahisisha App, available in Google Play Store, was configured and is maintained by iAct as an open-source set of tools which help researchers to collect field data. The andoid-based app allows data collection using mobile devices either online or offline with data submission capability to a secured server. The app is configured with other features like GPS cordinates and sound recording as well as capabilities to take and store pictures. The Rahisisha app is currently available in Kiswahili and English. Our team is also capable of developing a customized version to work with IOS depending on our client’s requirements.
We work hand in hand with our client to implement research activities in a timely, ethical, and safe manner that complies with all applicable laws in Tanzania and from the client side. Our implementation strategy includes a small pilot study to test and validate tools followed by the actual field implementation. Throughout implementation, we closely monitor finances to make sure the project is implemented according to the budget.
We pride ourselves on our flexibility to field dynamic changes while not compromising the quality of our work. The entire research implementation phase is surrounded by quality control initiatives through routine evaluation and verification of each major step. We also employ technologies to help streamline our processes.
We also support preparation prior to research implementation including but not limited to supporting client’s IRB application materials and/or obtaining COSTECH’s research permit. Our team will also review and/or prepare informed consent forms, in both English and Kiswahili, and ensure that official letters required to introduce field enumerators are obtained through appropriate channels.
We develop custom mobile, smartphones and tablets applications for both iOS and Android. Our team pay special attention to clients technical and non-technical needs ensuring our mobile applications have friendly user interfaces, high performance and secured, we also ensure the app meets implementation required for example data collection in remote areas (without internet access) and usability on low-end mobile devices
Our software development services cover solutions for desktop applications, online applications and database management supported by all major operating systems and data exchange standards.
We have qualified team on business analysis ensuring your clients requirements and business processing are well articulated. We employ user-centred approach in all stages of the systems development cycle.
Our data analytics services cover solutions for performing all aspects of data processing to ensure that our clients are provided with quality data that can be analyzed to address key questions. Moreover, our team can also perform advanced analysis to help clients examine their data sets in more details so as to make informed decision.
We heavily invest in data visualization when providing our clients with key findings from the data - and our clients can be provided by real-time dashboards to easily access the key performance indicators of their interest via a computer and/or a mobile phone Our team has extensive experience working with different data analysis tools – for example, MATLABA, R statistical package, STATA, MS Excel, and SPSS.
Our company host dedicated and protected database service on behalf of our clients – through cloud hosting services. Mobile devices deployed for data collection through our service will have pre-configurations that allow them to submit data to the hosting server. Having employed password protected and access levels, we guarantee that information collected will be protected and only individuals with right credentials will have access to the data.
Clients who wishes to just use our data hosting services may contact us (support@iact.co.tz) to discuss their requirement in more details
Great ideas are often generated, but the majority do not reach maturity or become reality
Our vision is to provide solutions that can transform great ideas into tangible products with direct benefits to the community while ensuring value for money
Ideas In Action Ltd’s core values are: Innovation, Efficiency, Quality.
Ideas in Action has worked with different clients – individuals to Research Institutions, Universities and Development Institutions.
Project: Data collection for Transparency for Development (T4D) project in Tanga and Dodoma Region
Type: Community level data collection including Key Informatint Interviews and Focus Group Discussion using a combination of both, paper and mobile data collection tools
Client: Harvard Kennedy School and the Results for Development Institute in collaboration with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), 2016-2017.
Description:Transparency for Development (T4D) is a project led jointly by the Harvard Kennedy School and the Results for Development Institute in collaboration with the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), and is designed to assess whether well-designed transparency and accountability (T/A) interventions improve maternal and neonatal health (MNH) outcomes, and under what conditions within 100 sampled communities within the Dodoma and Tanga regions. iAct recruited and trained field enumerators, as well as, collected qualitative and quantitative data for that particular survey and provided data management support.
Project: Mbunge Live Project Pilot Survey.
Type:Community and Key Informaiton Interviews Location: Dodoma.
Client: Twaweza – Tanzania, 2017-2019.
About This Project:iDeas in Action conducted a two pilot study for the survey in two constituencies namely: Tarime Rural and Nzega. The overall purpose of this assignment is to explore the short-term and potential for longer-term effects of the Mbunge live show-Intervention. The two pilot episodes were screened live using mobile cinema in 10 wards of each of the MP’s constituencies; the screenings were (similar to a village meeting). Pre and post interviews were conducted to random selected respondents. The research team covered about half of the wards in each constituency using mixed-method exercise, combining short closed-ended surveys with group discussions and individual interviews, as appropriate to the theme / topic of exploration.
Project:Market Research
Client: Fern (T) Marketing, 2017-2019.
About This Project:FERN Marketing wished to obtain data on product sales and key performance indicators. We provided data management support – designing and customization of data collection tools, programming of data tools, data hosting, data cleaning, and data processing – we provided online dash board to provide their clients with summarized key performance indicators. Through FERN, we have indirectly worked with Telecom companies in Tanzania (Tigo and Vodacom) and other companies such as Philip Morris International Tanzania (PMI).
Project: Linux based Online Virtual Servers.
Client: AAPH
About This Project:Custom dedicated online servers for hosting dedicated online applications such as web and data servers, online repositories, mail clients and so forth. Our online virtual servers can be configured for direct secure shell connection (SSH) as well as base system modifications (Kernel modifications). You can also configure script back-up (cron jobs) or a complete snapshort of the server.
Project: Birdge Data Migration (DHIS2 Data Linkage).
Client:PACT Tanzania.
About This Project:With PACT Tanzania, we developed an online bridge application to DHIS2. DHIS2 is a famous data warehouse for online data collection via web forms. DHIS2 can also be configured for different types of data collection including mobile and machine-to-machine using Access Program Interfaces (APIs). Despite wide usage, DHIS2 has flexibility limitation on how to manipulate or modify some spefici aspect of its data. With PACT Tanzania, we worked a custom designed solution to specifically addess this challenge and we were able to develop a bridge that act as a pipe for advance features to DHIS2 data.
Project: Window’s based Online Virtual Machine.
Client:Ifakara Health Institute (IHI).
About This Project:Custom dedicated online windows based server for hosting dedicated online services such as IIS, ASP.Net Controller and MS SQL Server. Our online virtual servers can be configured with static IP address, remote desktop connection as well as base system modifications (Kernel modifications). You can also configure script back-up (cron jobs) or a complete snapshort of the server. .
Beyond working on projects, iDeas in Action LtD is keen to providing iDeas Space enabling environment where as young folks with ideas and intuition can meet and work towards promoting their ideas into tangible outputs.
Whilst the size is small, this is amongst core interest of iDeas in Action as a company, “fostering promotion and generation of ideas and innovation into actions through data sciences”. We will continue to provide this environment and invite individuals with ideas to come and share their ideas.
Tell us about your issue so we can help you more quickly.
Ideas In Action Ltd.
Derm Plaza, 4th Floor,
Plot 16 Block 45A
Kijitonyama, New Bagamoyo Road
P.O Box 4756
Dar es Salaam - Tanzania.
+255 743 262 932